Rules and Awards

2019 Theme: UNIVERSE


Participants may submit only one entry. If you submit more than one entry (for example, one oil painting and one watercolour work), those additional entries will not be counted.

Only full colour art works are welcomed, however, types are not limited. You may submit watercolour work, oil painting, sketch, coloured pencil work, and much more. If you have any questions about submission categories, please email us at any time.

Submission requirements

(1) We accept digital images of your artwork in JPG,PNG or PDF,
resolution 300bpi. We cannot accept .zip files and GIF.
(2) Work canvas dimension: 297mm x 420mm(Full colour art work, style
unlimited), JPG format, resolution300bpi.
(3) Name your file “Your Full Name_Your art work name”
(4) Make sure your files are high resolution, not crooked, and can
easily be viewed.
(5) Only one picture will be allowed. Please make sure choose the
best angle/view of your artwork.
(6) We suggest you scan your artwork instead of taking photos of it.
(7) Works Cited: If applicable, please include a bibliography (any
style, including APA, MLA, Chicago Style and much more)crediting
sources and citing any ideas, facts, quotes, or existing media
used in your artwork that are not your own.


All submissions must be received by June 5, 2019, at Pacific Time (PT) to be considered in The Third Gradation Cup International Children’s Art Competition. Any submissions after deadline will not be accepted. The online platform will close at the contest deadline.

Who May Enter

All kids and students from around the world are invited to participate in the art contest.

Enter the division based on your age at the time of entry:
(1) Pre-school Division: Age 4-6
(2) Junior Division: Age 7-12
(3) Senior Division: Age 13-15


Awards will be given in each of the three categories at pre-school, junior and senior divisions:

Pre-school Division:
1st place: one winner
2nd place: three winners
3rd place: five winners
Honorable Mention: Many

Junior Division:
1st place: one winner
2nd place: three winners
3rd place: five winners
Honorable Mention: Many

Senior Division:
1st place: one winner
2nd place: three winners
3rd place: five winners
Honorable Mention: Many

1st Place

This award will take participations’ financial conditions into account. One winner in each age division will each receive a C$100 cash prize, a gift and a printed award certificate. All gifts and award certificates will be mailed to winners’ home addresses as provided. Prices are based on Canadian dollars. For winners who live outside Canada, prices will be subject to the current exchange rate issued by XE. Instead, bonuses will be sent to winners’ credit card. We will ask for detailed credit card information after competition results are posted.

2nd Place

This award will take participations’ financial conditions into account. Up to three winners in each age division will each receive a C$50 cash prize, a gift and a printed award certificate. All gifts and award certificates will be mailed to winners’ home addresses as provided. Prices are based on Canadian dollars. For winners who live outside Canada, prices will be subject to the current exchange rate issued by XE. Instead, bonuses will be sent to winners’ credit card. We will ask for detailed credit card information after competition results are posted.

3rd Place

Up to five winners in each age division will each receive a gift and a printed award certificate. All gifts and award certificates will be mailed to winners’ home addresses as provided.

Honorable Mention

The rest of participants will receive an award certificate through mail.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

COfficial website:
Tel: 226-978-5903, 226-978-5703, 519-616-9171
WeChat: Bingyezhang, vivi616682


(1) Please fill out registration forms before submission.
(2) All artworks may not mention particular known people,
organizations, and others. Also politics and religions may not
be shown in your work.


The copyright of works for competition belongs to organizers. The participant has the right of authorship of the work. The organizers has the right to keep the art works and and use them in related Public Welfare activities(include exhibition, using them on media and publicity materials, such as websites, posters, and publications). The competition terms and conditions are subject to change. The organizers may make changes and improvements at any time. The grading from the judging committee is final decision. No appeal will be accepted.


(1) 参赛者年龄要求:所有参赛者年龄必须在4-15周岁之间
(2) 作品主题:宇宙与我
(3) 请家长于本协会官方网站协助参赛者填写参赛报名表并上传作品。
(4) 参赛作品画纸规格为:297mm x 420mm(全彩美术作品,风格不限)文件格式为 JPG、PNG或者PDF分辨率为300dpi。
(5) 参赛作品必须是原创作品,并只能上交一副作品。已参加过其他比赛或已公开发表的作品不得参加本次比赛,否则由此造成的后果将由参赛者自行承担。
(6) 参赛作品请勿描绘特定知名人物、企业组织、或商标品牌,请勿涉及政治、宗教,否则不予接受。
(7) 本次作品上传截止时间为北京时间2019年6月5日8:00pm,即太平洋夏令时间2019年6月5日5:00am。所有在截止日期后上交的作品,本协会将不予接受。


(1) 学前组(4-6岁)
(2) 少儿组(7-12岁)
(3) 少年组(13-15岁)


(1) 一等奖:一名
(2) 二等奖:三名
(3) 三等奖:五名
(4) 优秀奖:若干名


(1) 一等奖奖品:100加币 (如为加拿大之外地区的获奖者,协会将根据当天的XE汇率换算  
成该国通用货币,并向获奖者第一监护人有效银行卡汇款);打印并装裱的证书 (证书将
(2) 二等奖奖品:50加币 (如为加拿大之外地区的获奖者,协会将根据当天的XE汇率换算
(3) 三等奖奖品:打印并装裱的证书(证书将通过邮寄的方式送达获奖者手中);精美礼品(礼
(4) 优秀奖奖品:电子版证书(将发放到获奖者有效电子邮箱中)


2019年6月6日 - 6月12日:作品初评及终评



