
Half Dot Art Studio

New Term (January 04 – March 13, 2021) Course Syllabus

Gradation Artist Studio is ready to continue to move forward at a steady pace. The new year has ushered in a new semester. We have added a few new courses, other courses also have been upgraded. We are excited to announce these upcoming classes;

Gradation Junior (child ) Course Content:

  1. 2D Animation Design – Beginner
    Schedule: January 06 – March 10, Wednesday, 5:00-6:30pm
    Instructor: Abeer Al Hariri,
    Equipment: PC, Adobe Animate

    We will provide each student with a professional animation designed course, the students will learn to use Adobe Animate software.

    Course content: This course is a beginner course. The instructor will guide the students to become familiar with this fun exciting software! Each child will be able to animate their own drawings.

    Teaching objective: The students shall have a preliminary understanding of Adobe Animate! By the end of the course they should be able to navigate the software and create simple animations.

  2. 2D Animation Design – Intermediate
    Schedule: January 05 – March 09, Tuesday, 5:00-6:30PM,
    Instructor: Abeer Al Hariri, Equipment: PC, Adobe Animate

    Continue to study Adobe Animate! In the new term, the students will face new challenges learning initial animation design and expanding on their creations!

  3. Comprehensive Technique Class
    Schedule: January 04 – March 09, Wednesday, 5:00-6:00pm,
    Instructors: Sonia Nadeau and Belinda Zhang

    This class will continue last semester’s special arrangement – Sonia and Belinda Zhang teaches alternatively.

    Teaching Goal: This class is for beginners of the drawing class in order to help junior students build drawing fundamentals, and skills so they can easily upgrade to other classes smoothly. Two instructors different teaching styles will bring a variety of class experiences to the students.

    Miss Zhang will focus on teaching water colour in the new semester. Start exploring the beginner watercolour drawing techniques , like toning (colour mixing), water control,how to paint the whole picture with the new techniques and have it look great . Overall we will continue this semester approach; water colour and drawing will be taught alternatively.

    Sonia’s class will focus on drawing fantasy animals, basic drawing instructions and we will incorporate some watercolour as well. We will draw fantastic mythological creatures with compelling fantasy colours. Dragons, unicorns, and mythological sea creatures to name a few.

    Material: water colour, water colour paper, marker pen (black) pencils, gel pens (silver, white, colours).

  4. Cartoon Character – Beginner
    Schedule: January 07 – March 11, Thursday, 5:00-6:30pm
    Instructor: Abeer Al Hariri,
    Material: color pencil

    For this term the cartoon character class will usher in a new round of experience. We will bring the joy of Dreamworks studios to the kids. Let the instructor Abeer teach these recognizable characters from some of their favourite shows.

    The teaching objective: Study the figure’s, Anthropomorphized animals’ expression, body and and facial proportions. We will build fundamentals, master drawing skills, prepare the basic skills for cartoon characters in the intermediate class.

  5. Cartoon Character – 4 panel comic strip (4-koma in Japanese)
    Schedule: January 8 – March 12, 5:00-6:30pm, Friday
    Instructor: Abeer Al Hariri

    The brand new upgrade Cartoon Character will be launched in the term. We are going to create comic cartoons (animation)

    The teaching objective: teach the students creative thinking and concepts. Through teaching, the students can get familiar with, and master cartoons gradually creating skills and learning the procedure.

    Course content: At each session, the students will create cartoons based on a small story board or familiar daily routines. For example, brushing teeth frequently to keep your smile healthy, or eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  6. Illustration – Beginner
    Schedule: January 07 – March 11, Thursday, 5:00-6:30pm
    Instructor: Sonia Nadeau

    Sonia Nadeau has illustrated over 20 picture books and won several awards for her art. Illustration can often be seen in advertising, magazines and popular children’s stories. There is still a huge market for this type of art. Many movies and famous characters started out in children’s books that we know and love today; Peter rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, Hans Christian Andersen’s characters have become Disney legends.

    Course content: Sonia Nadeau will split the course into a few parts: at the beginning, the focus will be on proper proportions.This includes body proportions for appropriate age and gender. Proper proportions of drawing a face. How to keep a character looking the same at different angles. As the course moves on we go over some fundamentals of drawing simple backgrounds, like perspective. Dynamics of clothing and movement. As the course moves on we will look at the human face ask ourselves; What does our face do when we are angry? Or surprised? We also look at illustrators of the past and present and try their techniques.

    The teaching objective: each child will learn to create their own storyboard using proper technique. This can be used in their portfolios as they plan for art programs in high school, or a career in art.

  7. Illustration Class – Intermediate
    Schedule: January 08 – March 12, Friday, 5:00-6:30
    instructor: Sonia Nadeau

    Sonia Nadeau will lead the students to upgrade to a new level. Based on the last term, we are going to create a brand new story. Their previous knowledge will help them create a more dynamic story. We will also go over terms of publication. The business of children’s books.

CGAC Art Studio Adults Course:

  1. Sketch – Beginner
    Schedule: January 06-March 10, Wednesday, 7:00 -8:30pm
    Instructor: Curtis Doherty

    The instructor will teach the drawing fundamentals based on 4 major forms of thinking: map thinking, spatial thinking, volumetric thinking, skeletal thinking. After this term’s study, the students shall have a concrete concept about the sketch, and be capable of completing a drawing with two still objects. Prepare for the intermediate class.

  2. Watercolor – Bright starry sky
    Schedule: January 09 – March 13, Saturday, 7:00-8:30pm
    Instructor: Belinda Zhang

    In the new term, the teacher will focus on how to draw starry sky.

    The teaching objective: This technique of painting is literally paint wet on wet paper. This method can create very soft, uniquely rendered drawings.

    Course Contents: Each session will have a different theme, from starry sky to Aurora borealis.

    Material: watercolor paint, watercolor paper

  3. Color pencil – Gourmet
    Schedule: January 08 – March 12, Friday, 7:00-8:30pm
    Instructor: Belinda Zhang

    Coloured pencils are a simple effective way to draw details, what better way to learn colour theory than with delicious food. Bright rich colours strong sense of shadow and light define this course! Your eyes will thank you with these tantalizing realistic drawings! There is great market value in this course. Designs for menus and advertising to name a few!

    Course content: This exciting gourmet class is themed around a variety of colourful snacks, fruits, refreshments, cold drink, prepared food, dishes. Drawing levels range from easy to difficult. The students will be able to draw your favourite gourmet treat after the course. Come to sign up!

    Material: colour pencil, colour pencil paper